Congressional Candidate Randy Demmer 2010
Thank you
Dear Friends
Thank you for visiting my web site! I appreciate you taking the time to learn about my campaign to become the next Congressman from the Minnesota's First Congressional District!
As a nation, we are facing huge challenges – a sputtering economy; high rates of unemployment in the private sector; rising medical costs; mounting debts. We need leaders in Washington who understand that this country will recover thanks to the hard work and imagination of its people, not from the intervention, expansion, and control of government. Tim Walz, our current Congressman, has voted time and again for creating more rules and regulations, raising taxes on families and businesses, even taking over and rationing our healthcare services.
I strongly disagree with this approach.
As our next Congressman, I will provide representation in Washington that demands fiscal discipline, reigns in foolish and ill-advised spending, and focuses on enhancing opportunities for private sector investment and job creation. I'll never forget that our country was conceived and built on the ideals of personal liberty, individual responsibility, and the right of people to remain free of excess government intervention.
It is my hope that this site will serve as a resource for you to learn about me and my background. I want it to provide perspective on how I will represent you in Washington, where I will work to find solutions for the issues facing Minnesota and our nation. Please contact me with your ideas, questions and concerns. I welcome your involvement in our campaign.
With your help, we can get this country back on the right track.
Thank you,
Randy Demmer
This was the Republican nominee Randy Demmer's website created for his run against Democrat Tim Walz, the incumbent, Independence Party candidate Steven Wilson, and Party Free candidate Lars Johnson. Walz eventually won the general election on November 2, 2010, with 49% of the vote to Demmer's 44%.
I recently heard Randy Demmer's name in connection to his making a bid for a seat on the University of Minnesota Board of Regents while I was in Minneapolis working with my SEO team. We were helping a client recover from some significant Google penalties that had severely impacted their search visibility and organic traffic. During our analysis and remediation planning session, we were discussing typical recovery timeframes - generally 3-6 months for manual penalties once proper fixes are implemented, though algorithmic penalties can sometimes take longer to recover from. During one of our breaks, the conversation shifted to local news, particularly the announcement that Republican House leaders were not interested in delaying the selection of five University of Minnesota Board of Regents. This was notable because Minnetonka DFL Sen. Terri Bonoff, who chaired the Senate higher education committee, had specifically requested Senate leaders delay the regent selection until after a legislative audit of the university's drug trial program was released.
My client knew Demmer. He mentioned that Demmer was one of seven people who had applied for the First District seat. Surprisingly, Demmer was not among the four candidates selected for an interview by the Regent Candidate Advisory Council. My client thought the council's decision not to interview him was in part because he is a former legislator. Maybe there was some political payback going on. The Board of Regents is the governing body of the University of Minnesota and its five campuses, including the University of Minnesota Rochester. As it turned out later, Demmer announced in an interview that he was dropping his campaign for the seat and would not even lobby lawmakers in hopes of getting nominated during the joint legislative convention. Apparently he had jumped in at the last minute because he felt it was important there be at least two candidates for the seat and one of them should be from the Rochester area. When retired Mayo Clinic Dr. Patricia Simmons jumped into the University of Minnesota Board of Regents race, making a run at a third term on the board, Randy's concerns had been addressed and he bowed out.
When I recently I discovered that the domain for was available, I recognized the name and I bought the site with the goal of recreating some of its content from archived pages. I definitely didn't want someone else purchasing the domain and re-purposing the site for something that had nothing in common with Randy Demmer's original website. The information and positions presented on may be as relevant today as it was when Randy Demmer was running to become the next congressman from the Minnesota's First Congressional District. Consequently, such information should be lost when the domain expired. You can view this site strictly for its historical context or use the information presented in a useful manner.
Consider this site's information for history reference.
"The First District needs a Congressman who believes in fiscal responsibility and limited government and who will set priorities and make the tough choices."
Growth in Government
The growth in government that is occurring under this democratic majority is astounding – not just in terms of spending, which is spiraling out of control, but in how the federal government is extending its reach into the lives – and pocketbooks - of every citizen in this district and in our country. Tim Walz seems to think that Government is the answer to every problem; that government should take our resources and make our decisions for us. Does he not trust Americans to know what is right, or what is in our own best interest?
With Walz’s support, Congressional leadership and the administration are expanding the federal government at breakneck speed. He has advocated for trillions of dollars in new taxes, spending, and debt; encouraged creation of new entitlement programs; and supported unprecedented government intervention in the financial, health care, and energy industries. Left unchecked, the growth in government spending and expansion of entitlement programs will bankrupt our country and drag us all into economic ruin. We need to take control of the federal budget, eliminate wasteful spending, and quit mortgaging our children’s future trying to spend our way back to prosperity.
Government, just like families and businesses, must remember that there is a difference between needs and wants. The First District needs a Congressman who believes in fiscal responsibility and limited government and who will set priorities and make the tough choices.
"The economic engine for our future economic recovery will come from small business and private enterprise, not more government spending and debt."
Even with Democrats in Washington claiming that job creation is one of their top priorities, and even after billions of dollars are spent in the name of “stimulus” for the economy, American industries continue to shed jobs. What Congress fails to understand is that they cannot just sit down, write a job description, allocate money, and create jobs. They need to free businesses from burdensome regulations and rethink the tax burdens that are placed on job providers. The economic engine for our future economic recovery will come from small business and private enterprise, not more government spending and debt.
As a small business owner, Randy Demmer understands the basics of job creation in Southern Minnesota. Randy believes that instead of simply spending money on pet projects, Congress needs to focus on ways to encourage existing businesses to expand, rehire laid-off workers and create new opportunities, and to restore business owner and consumer confidence in the economy. Randy also believes that congress needs to pass legislation that creates and fosters a business climate that encourages investment, rewards innovation.
Campaign News
October 27, 2010
Former 1st District Congressman and Minnesota Governor Al Quie Endorses Demmer
Congressional candidate Randy Demmer announced today that he has received the endorsement of former First District Congressman and Minnesota Governor Al Quie. “I am proud to receive the support of Governor Quie in this election,” Demmer said. “He served Southern Minnesota well both as our Congressman and also as Governor, and I hope to bring the same passion, commitment, and principle to the job as he did for so many years.”
A Letter from Governor Quie:
First District Voters:
The election is near and I know many of you are struggling over many races in next Tuesday's election. The person who represents you in Congress is of utmost importance, and I know Randy Demmer is a person who will serve you well. His experience will enable him to hit the ground running, but more importantly, he is a man of principle, thoughtful and courageous.
There is no question this country is in serious financial straits. Astronomical increases in our national debt are predicted far into the future. The recently enacted federal health care legislation needs immediate repair. Our agricultural communities will be devastated by the proposed cap and trade tax.
Randy Demmer understands these issues, and he has the experience and the track record that show he knows how to get things done. His wisdom and fiscal conservatism were gained through a lifetime in Southern Minnesota. He’s farmed and owned small businesses. He married his high school sweetheart, a lifelong nurse. He’s lived what’s most important to this district.
In these trying times, Southern Minnesota needs a Representative who never wavers on individual responsibility, personal freedom and fiscal restraint – that person is Randy Demmer. He has shown these qualities over the course of a lifetime of service to his community, and that is why he has my endorsement as the public servant who will represent and serve you best.
Al Quie
Former First District Congressman and Minnesota Governor
October 25, 2010
Demmer’s Final TV Ad Focuses on Walz’ Out of Touch Record
Randy Demmer today released his final television ad of the campaign, which focuses on Tim Walz’ out of touch record.
“Just as he has done throughout the campaign, Randy’s final message sticks to the facts and sticks to the issues,” said Demmer for Congress Campaign Manager Jason Flohrs. “In doing everything Nancy Pelosi asked him to, Tim Walz has racked up trillions in debt, expanded the power and control of government to unheard of levels, and left our economy struggling to recover. He voted for all of it, and yet seems to have no idea as to what he’s done to our children’s future.”
“Throughout this campaign, Tim Walz has resorted to personal attacks, incomplete information, and outright lies as he tries to run away from his own record,” Flohrs said. “But despite his best efforts, voters in Southern Minnesota know what he’s done, and they know that they can’t afford another two years of Walz’ failed economic agenda.”
October 22, 2010
U.S. Chamber of Commerce, NFIB, BIPAC Endorse Demmer
Randy Demmer is the endorsed candidate of leading national organizations dedicated to job creation, following a string of high profile endorsements.
Today in Mankato, the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) endorsed his candidacy, adding to a growing list of groups interested in economic growth. NFIB represents millions of small business owners nationwide, and is recognized as the leader among those who fuel long term economic growth.
In their separate endorsement of Demmer, United States Chamber of Commerce President Thomas Donohue wrote "It is the Chamber's goal to help elect a pro-business Congress and work diligently in the interests of business large and small to advance legislation that encourages economic growth, job creation and a less intrusive federal government. Your support of pro-business issues earned this endorsement.”
Earlier this summer, the Business-Industry Political Action Committee endorsed Demmer, claiming "we must fix what is not working in Congress by electing candidates who are chosen by the frustrated 'fix it' voters of this cycle," according to BI-PAC president Greg Casey. “We believe you are that candidate.”
Demmer said he was honored to receive the endorsement of those groups representing the citizens and businesses most concerned with his top priorities: job creation, economic recovery, and fiscal restraint.
"I've been a local small businessman my entire life," Demmer said. "The approval of the hard-working Americans who take on risk to grow our economy are some of the most valuable endorsements I could receive in this race. I'm thankful for the recognition of these national groups for what they represent - but most importantly for who they represent; and that is the main street business owners and their employees across Southern Minnesota."
Demmer said he's proud to receive the support of pro-business groups in his race against Tim Walz, whose anti-jobs and anti-business record is a chief motivation of Demmer's campaign.
"Tim Walz refuses to make a permanent, stable tax structure," Demmer said. "He refuses to put a lid on spending that threatens the long-term viability of our free market system. And he supports stifling regulation and trade restrictions that hamper American competitiveness. Job creators know, and are proud to say, it's time for a change in Washington and a change in Southern Minnesota."
Randy and his wife Kathy (Kyllo) have been married for 30 years and are both lifelong residents of Hayfield. They have three daughters: Lauren is an attorney, Ann is a kindergarten teacher, and Margeaux is a junior in college.
Randy has been a business owner all his life. After earning his Bachelors of Agricultural Business Administration degree from the University of Minnesota in 1980, Randy started farming. He raised corn and soybeans for 18 years in a family farm operation that grew to 1800 acres. In 1983 he formed a company known as "Computer Edge" that provided computerized recordkeeping and payroll services as well as selling computers and accounting software throughout southeast Minnesota. He sold this business to his employees in 2007. In 1986, he started the NAPA Auto Parts store in Hayfield. After adding stores in Dodge Center and Kasson, he sold all three to an employee in 2007.
Randy is a strong believer in community involvement. He is currently serving his 4th term as State Representative for District 29A, and was elected by his Republican colleagues as Assistant Minority Leader. Prior to his service in the Legislature, Randy served on the Hayfield School Board for 11 years and Hayfield's Economic Development Authority for 10 years. He has also served on a senior housing task force, Dodge County Ice Arena Joint Powers Board, Trinity Lutheran Church Council, and the boards of the Dodge County Corn Growers, Hayfield Area Chamber of Commerce, Hayfield's Lion's Club, and the Rochester Area Library Foundation. Randy coached girls youth basketball for 8 years, and he and his wife Kathy enjoy singing in an a cappella gospel quartet called “Hosanna.”